Trouvez ci-dessous les paroles de « Give It », un morceau fruit de la collaboration de Kurt Wagner au titre phare du groupe X PRESS 2. A noter que le chanteur en ajoute quelques lignes du renversant « Once In A Lifetime » de Talking Heads. Nous vous proposons de (re)découvrir la version originale de la chanson ainsi que l’interprétation de Lambchop :
X-Press 2 « Give It » feat Kurt Wagner (Lambchop)
Lambchop – « Give It »(« Once In a Lifetime »)
Paroles de « Give It »
Here comes the cool air, the light chill of the fall
Blowing from either direction
Blowing across the yard it’s crisp and it’s cool
Dogs like it, as they sit around in the sun
And stubbornly i remain under a tree
The wind gusts up stronger from time to time
We’re supposed to grow cold as the day wears on
I’m’a looking for the future, today, today, today, today
And at the same time i am dreading the outcome of our actions
Fall makes me feel a little sad sometimes
Whip out the sweater and the second layer and it’s time for a change
And surely it’s the way,
Oh boy, Oh shit!
Let’s record it
A rednecks safe from a bitchy English professor
He seemed unconcerned with my purity of expression
And i can see his point, which is all well and good…
Sometimes i’m not sure if i can see my…
Shake this time when it doesn’t really mind
You do just fine and you wont next time
If you want it [X4]
Back to the weather, i must admit it looked pretty nice
Why are my legs shaking
Why are there still mosquitoes
Shouldn’t they be in bed and dead by now
I guess i should give it, give it a little more time
I guess i should give it, give it a little more time
I guess i should give it, give it a little more time
I guess i should give it, give it a little more time
Give it, give it, a little more time
I guess i should give it, give it a little more time
Give it, give it, a little more time
[« Once In A Lifetime » de Talking Heads]
You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
You may find yourself in another part [of the world]
You may ask yourself: am I right?… am I wrong?
You may say yourself: well… how did I get here?
Letting the days go by
Same as it ever was…
L’intégralité des paroles de « Once In A Lifetime » de Talking Heads sont par ici.